Rubi (ルビ - Syllabaries )

Sep 24, 2017 15:48
In Japanese sentences, small hiragana syllabaries are sometimes written above or the side of kanji (Chinese characters).

This hiragana syllabaries are called "hurigana" (振り仮名), and is also called "rubi" (ルビ).

The etymology of "rubi" is just ruby, a kind of gemstones.

In British publishing industry, font sizes have given names of gemstones.

For example, Diamond is 4.5 points, Pearl is 5 points, Ruby is 5.5 points, and Emerald is 6.5 point.

In the Meiji period, the main font size on Japanese newspapers was 10.5 points, and the font size of hiragana syllabaries was 5.2 points.

Since the size was similar to the size called Ruby, we have come to use the term "rubi" (ルビ) to mean the hiragana (or katakana) syllabaries.







No. 1 nessguy's correction
  • In Japanese sentences, small hiragana syllabaries are sometimes written above or the side of kanji (Chinese characters).
  • In Japanese sentences, small hiragana syllabaries are sometimes written above or to the side of kanji (Chinese characters).
     "sometimes written above or beside kanji" would also work.
  • This hiragana syllabaries are called "hurigana" (振り仮名), and is also called "rubi" (ルビ).
  • This These hiragana syllabaries are called "furigana" (振り仮名), and is are also called "rubi" (ルビ).
     "This hiragana syllabary" would also work.

    While hurigana isn't necessarily wrong, furigana is how it's usually written.
  • The etymology of "rubi" is just ruby, a kind of gemstones.
  • The etymology of "rubi" is just ruby, a kind of gemstone.
  • In British publishing industry, font sizes have given names of gemstones.
  • In the British publishing industry, font sizes were named after gemstones.
  • For example, Diamond is 4.5 points, Pearl is 5 points, Ruby is 5.5 points, and Emerald is 6.5 point.
  • For example, Diamond is 4.5 points, Pearl is 5 points, Ruby is 5.5 points, and Emerald is 6.5 points.
  • In the Meiji period, the main font size on Japanese newspapers was 10.5 points, and the font size of hiragana syllabaries was 5.2 points.
  • In the Meiji period, the main font size on Japanese newspapers was 10.5 points, and the font size of hiragana syllabaries furigana was 5.2 points.
     Hiragana syllabaries could work here, but it makes more sense to use furigana.
  • Since the size was similar to the size called Ruby, we have come to use the term "rubi" (ルビ) to mean the hiragana (or katakana) syllabaries.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Nicely done! :)
Thank you so much for correcting my post! (^^)